There are energetic cords that connect us to everyone in our lives, past and present, through which people can “pull” on your energy, leaving you feeling tired and off-center. Emotional Cord Cutting disconnects these emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people – especially to people who are no longer part of your life like ex-partners, ex-coworkers and bosses.
This could happen due to an argument, resentment, judgments and opinions expressed between you and another person.
Relief from negative thoughts that creep in from outside of yourself.
Releasing negative ties with people that tend to hold you back.
Clean energetic start after a break-up, loss, or job-change.
Assisting with moving on rather than feeling weighed down by other’s negativity.
Increased capacity to hold more light/positive energy within the aura.
After the Emotional Cord Cutting, you’ll feel a strong sense of freedom, liberation, and refreshment. Energy Clearing brings relief to anyone feeling the weight of past relationships and negative experiences. The session is short and done standing. It includes a ritual where you make a request for something you want in your life. It also includes a “Purification by the Light” ritual.